Everyone's thoughts on the woman's col. bb Anthem protester?

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Everyone's thoughts on the woman's col. bb Anthem protester?

Postby bwm » Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:14 pm

What's everyone's thoughts on the Manhattanville College Women's Basketball player, Toni Smith, who turns her back on the flag during the National Anthem?
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Postby Wildfowler » Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:35 pm

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Postby crow » Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:40 pm

Yeah, she ought to go play in the ABA (Arab Basketball Association). It would help all of us...she'd be out of a place where she obviously doesn't want to be and we'd not have to look at her as she'd have a veil over her face! See how that affects your jump shot, girlfriend! But, that flag and what it stands for protects her right to protest. Ironic isn't it, that she protests the very thing that makes it possible for her to make her stand. Nowhere but America! These things make me so mad, but in the end, there is no place else in the world where this could happen. That's why so many of us are willing to do whatever is necessary to preserve the integrity of what that flag stands for...even if it is for some b---- to have the right to be so disrespectful! But, you know, I sure don't have to like it!
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Postby D1 » Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:49 pm

:evil: Personally I think someone needs to put a foot about half way between her rectum and her breast from the ractum end... :twisted: ...then MAKE her go live under another flag then she will be begging to come BACK and live here.

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Postby Hambone » Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:54 pm

Not being a Manhattanville College ladies' basketball fan, I wasn't aware of Ms. Smith's conduct. What (illegitimate) reason does she give to justify her actions?
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Postby BigCountry » Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:33 pm

:evil: :evil: I don't care what her reason is for doing such a thing. let her go some were else and see if she can go to college, play basketball, and have a good life. She will not find that in an arab nation. It makes me so mad to see these dumb ass college kids that think they have life by the horns and know all there is to know because there professor said it or they read it in a book. They don't understand what really makes the world go round. College kids get their head so full of utopian bulls#$% that they for get what life is about. They think all those ideals and theories will work in real life. Well those ideals don't work. Life is a b$#ch and will never be fair. So to those that don't like our country and what we stand for Get The Hell Out. And if they need money for a plane ticket or bus ride, or whatever i am sure enough money can be raised to help them out. :evil: :evil:
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Postby GordonGekko » Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:57 pm

I saw this on ESPN last week and it just made me angry, :x , I guess I'm not just upset at the player (although she is the one doing the protesting). But, I really think this should be punished, I know it's her right to express her opinion (this is a free country), but it isn't her right to play basketball on scholarship. If I were her coach, I'd kick her off the team. This is a self centered, arrogant, "I want my 15 minutes of fame" type display, it is childish and shows an utter lack of maturity. It really shows that she knows nothing of the world except for her narrow little bleeding heart view. I wish these type of people would just grow up!

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Postby BigCountry » Mon Mar 03, 2003 6:05 pm

I'm not finished

this kind of $#!+ really chaps my ass. i am tiered of these liberal ass people who raise hell about all the things that are wrong and how our leaders souldn't do this or that and are always complaining. then they have the nerve to use the 1st amendment as shelter for there ignorance. They are to damn stupid to understand that if things were run different they wouldn't even have the first amendment to stand behind. these people need to have some pride and respect for this country, it's flag and all the men and woman that have died for our freedom. when Miss. Smith turned her back on our flag, it was a slap in the face to our country, what it stands for, and most of all my Grandfarther SGT James L. Russell who put his life on the line to stop Hitler, and Grandfather Private 1st class and battle ship gunner, Walter (Street) Lucus who helped keeo the Japenees From Taking over the west coast, and all of there fellow soldiers who served and did not get to come home and see thier grandchildren grow up. [b]

Guys i am sorry for the fowl languge but i am PISSED OFF.

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Postby lefthorn » Mon Mar 03, 2003 6:06 pm

Kick her ass Seabass!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: This is just pure disrespect!! I didn't know anything of it either(frankly getting sick of the news lately, just too depressing to watch). Maybe we should send her to live with her uncle Sadaam!!
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Postby Delta Duck » Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:49 pm

The bad thing about it is when one of the fans in the stands was a Veteran. He grab a flag and ran to her and waved the Flag in that little bitches face, they wanted to arrest him for displaying his right to wave the flag of These United States.

I do not think he got locked up!
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Postby BuckeyeHoov » Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:58 pm


What this girl is doing is taking a big $#!+ on the grave of every man that ever served a day of his life to fight for the right of freedom. She is pissing on the respect that every American that ever gave a bead of sweat, a tear of frustration, or a drop of blood to make this a great country has earned through hard, effortless work. She is disrespecting our fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, great grandfathers. Hell, she's disrespecting our mothers, sisters, and grandmothers. That flag stands for everything that makes this country the best damn place in the world. We take your troubled, your tired, and your poor. They come here because they want to live the dream. A dream in which this bitch obviously doesn't understand. I would love for her to have any amount of time to sit and listen to the gentleman that protested her protest by putting the flag in her face. This man lost friends in the fight for the dream. F^^K HER!!! That's what I say! (Sorry Micah)
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Postby Delta Duck » Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:06 pm

I would love for her to do the news and talk show deal. I don't even think those liberal egg suckers could stomack her uninformed self.

If one of my old team mates had pulled a stunt like that, half time would not have come to quick.
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Postby Bustin' Ducks » Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:17 pm

Didn't hear of this but this really bothers me....Is she Arabic or black/white..Did she ever say why she decided to be this way..At any rate..I'd love to stick her butt next to one of my good friends that had his father killed in the WTC...and let her do that....
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Postby Denduke » Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:48 pm

This is just one pitifuil incident. On the news the other day the said some court said "under God" was unconstitutional in the pledge of the leagence to the flag in school! :evil:
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flag girl

Postby Deltaduk » Mon Mar 03, 2003 11:08 pm

pack the bitch up in a box and send her sorry ass to IRAQ.let her do her thing over there!!

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