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Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:03 am
by eSJay
It definitely appears that they are looking for ways to keep him, but seriously..............they gotta know that he will eventually cheat on them just as he has everyone he's been in a relationship with including his wife. Agree with webbie....dude is a douchebag!

Horrible timing for the hog nation as they really thought this was the year they would win the West.

Sort of reminds me of when ole Dumbose was caught banging his secretary. Arkie should take a look back in history & see how that worked out for bammer, cut their losses & move on.

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:08 pm
What will be even funnier is if they keep him and her EX (asst strength coach) catches Petrino somewhere that no one can see them and beats the shi* out of him.

Also Nutt has had a bad year but wouldnt you have liked to seen him when the news of Petrino broke. I'll bet he had a big smile on his face.

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:57 pm
by Drakeshead
I too am hearing that they are going to keep him.

According to ESPN, Arkansas has hired a panel of lawyers to figure out how much they are going to have to pay the candidates that did not get hired for the job Ms. Dorrell was hired to do. ESPN also states that Ms. Dorrell is probably looking at getting a good payout out of all of this as well.

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:04 pm
by Drakeshead

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:11 pm
by Drakeshead
Firing Petrino, Kelly is right, but then dollar figures don't add up

By Gregg Doyel | Senior College Football Columnist

Time to grow up, you stupid little kid. Time to get wise to the ways of the world, rube. Don't be offended, my reader friend, I'm not talking to you -- I'm talking to me.

And I'm talking about Bobby Petrino at Arkansas.

And about Chip Kelly at Oregon.

And even a little about Jim Tressel at Ohio State, come to think of it.

I'm talking about all those top-dollar college football coaches who win so many games and generate so much revenue that normal rules do not apply. Tressel lied to his boss about having ineligible players and then used those ineligible players to win the Sugar Bowl. Kelly's football program wrote a $25,000 check to a talent "scout" who sent the school zero scouting but one super tailback recruit. Petrino hired a woman with whom he said he has carried on an "inappropriate relationship" and put her on his staff -- on the payroll of a public university -- and did it without telling his bosses.

And a gullible guy like me, I expect heads to roll. Because I keep insisting that college football is like real life.

In real life, people who do what Tressel did are fired the instant their lying, cheating, scheming ways are discovered. In real life people like Tressel do not survive for five months, as their cuckolded superior (OSU athletics director Gene Smith) and even his superior (OSU president Gordon Gee) throw fragrant word bouquets until finally, belatedly the pressure on the school is too much and Tressel is shown the door.

In real life, a public official who makes an ethical end-around as flagrant as the one by Kelly does not keep his job as long as Kelly has managed to keep his. Kelly's public-school football program sent a $25,000 check to "scout" Willie Lyles, and nearly a year later Lyles still had sent nothing Kelly's way -- nothing other than five-star recruit Lache Seastrunk. Not until the media started sniffing around did Kelly ask Lyles to send something, anything, to justify the $25,000, and Lyles sent a bunch of useless video of former high school players who were in college by then. Well, not all of them. One of the players on that $25,000 video package wasn't in college. He was dead.

In real life, a man who works for the state of Arkansas cannot hire his alleged mistress and be allowed to keep his position of power, although that's where Petrino remains today. He remains the Razorbacks' head football coach, the richest -- and obviously most powerful -- man on campus.

Maybe Petrino won't remain in his job for long, once Arkansas concludes its review of his motorcycle crash/cover-up, but I'm not hopeful. Which is to say, I'm not naïve and gullible. Not anymore. Not as naïve and gullible as I was a few days ago, anyway, when the news first broke of Jessica Dorrell's position under Petrino (ahem) and I fired off a scathing missive that said of course Petrino would be fired. Because I was under the illusion on Friday that real-world rules applied to the Candyland that is college football.

Don't I feel dumb.

Over the weekend I did some research, read everything I could read about the marriage in question, and realized Arkansas probably can't afford to divorce Bobby Petrino. He is the biggest provider for the Arkansas athletic department, and not because he's the football coach -- but because he's the best football coach in Arkansas history. Since Petrino got the Hogs rolling in 2009, according to Forbes magazine, the value of the Arkansas football program has increased more than any football program in the country (59 percent), all the way to $89 million. That value will skyrocket ever higher once the school completes construction on its 80,000-square-foot football facility, a facility that will cost at least $35 million, a facility helped along by Petrino's run of success.

A facility that has not been paid for, as yet.

The school has commitments for much of the money, but a commitment is not cash. And those commitments were made by donors under the impression that Bobby Petrino would be the coach working in that new facility.

At Oregon, the story is similar. The school has reached crazy new levels of revenue thanks to the surge in football under Chip Kelly, and as a result the school built a crazy new $200 million basketball arena with the help of state-backed, 30-year bonds. But the arena isn't paying for itself as cleanly as the school had hoped, forcing the school to consider dipping into its $130 million Legacy Fund, which was started with a $100 million gift from Nike CEO Phil Knight, the biggest booster at Oregon.

And a friend of Chip Kelly.

You see how it all comes together? I do. Now. Finally. It took a while, but it has dawned on me why Chip Kelly is still the football coach at Oregon, and why Bobby Petrino is still the football coach at Arkansas. They aren't merely valuable commodities.

They are irreplaceable commodities.

Which means the schools that employ these guys face a difficult choice: They can do the ethically right thing, or they can do the fiscally right thing.

Come to think of it, that's not such a difficult choice after all. I mean, we all see who's coaching the football team at Oregon. And we all see who's coaching the football team at Arkansas. I'll hold out hope that one or both of those schools will do the ethically right thing eventually, but I won't count on it. Just like when I looked out my window on Sunday -- I didn't really expect to see the Easter Bunny. Nor did I.

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:31 pm
by Po Monkey Lounger
Of course, Arkansas is going to keep Petrino. Was that ever really in serious doubt by anyone on this board? Petrino may be a douchebag, but he's their douchebag and they love him ---at least as long as they are winning lots of football games.

Had Bobby's won/loss record been closer to .500, as it was his first two seasons, he would have been shown the door faster than you can say "the girl in the athletic department in the volleyball shorts". And if not, then FOIA requests would have ensued for Bobby's phone records and also the phone records of "the girl in the athletic department in the volleyball shorts", with subpoenas issued for production of clothing for DNA testing, etc. --- you see, when these rube fans get angry at their coach, they become an army of Barney Fifes, hell bent on inflicting embarassment and retribution all throughout Mayberry and beyond. Hell hath no fury like a scorned Hog. Ask Houston Nutt.

Remember the radio guy who did the song about Ed Orgeron that was so funny? Well, he's back with another song, this time about Bobby Petrino. Not sure it is as funny as the song about Ed, but its pretty funny. Enjoy.

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:28 pm
by Po Monkey Lounger
I've been feeling pretty bad lately about all the ragging on Arkansas we have been doing here on this board regarding the Petrino Wild Hog of the Ozark situation. So bad, in fact, that I want to offer my sincere, heart-felt apology to any Arkansas lurkers who may be reading this board, but are too embarassed to speak up. And as a show of good faith, and in order to help cheer you up in your hours of despair, I offer up the following ---enjoy:

Dancing Pigs (now who from Arkansas couldn't break a smile upon seeing dancing pigs?):

And a little peanut butter jelly, the comfort food of champions --- and Wild Hogs:

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:27 pm
by Greenhead22
He just got 86'd. I hope that was some good stuff. Cost him millions.

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:32 pm
by champcaller
Nutt is available.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:48 pm
by kernodj

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:49 pm
by eSJay
meltdown in porktown in 5,4,3,2,1

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:56 pm
by Smoke68
Good for Long.

It about made me sick hearing everyone from ESPN analysts to hog fans claim that what he did was wrong but that it was his personal life and had nothing to do with his ability to coach or his relationship with his university. She was hired by him! The only thing in my opinion that anyone ought to be blaming Long for is the fact that he hired the turd in the first place. I don't know the legal circumstances that may have played into this, but it seems as though Long had an easy out with the fan base and media in letting Petrino stay. He did the right thing anyways.

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:10 pm
by MSDawg870
Meeting in the Treehouse tomorrow at sundown, wear your f'n hoghat boys.

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:36 pm
by eSJay
honestly, i've never really paid that much attention to them for whatever reason, but since the story broke, i've poked around some of the forums & goooooood lord those sumbeeches ain't right!

btw - i can't say for sure, but who else thinks the odds of this being our very own...........

Re: BMFP = uh oh

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:44 pm