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Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 7:43 am
by DoubleBandMS

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:28 am
by camlock

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:20 am
by greenheadgrimreaper
Why does any of this matter? I didn't even watch the Egg Bowl, it's just not a big deal.

We have bigger fish to fry here in Starkville. In fact, we are developing ways to make fish bigger..chickens too and pigs. They say homecoming queens like pork...

It's just a glass egg. MSU don't give a...

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:06 am
by bigoak

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:12 am
by camlock

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:06 pm
by ScottyLee
hate to inerrupt this $#!+.. but what is all this # sign crap? i don't get it... help this ignorant one out..

Hotty Toddy :wink:

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:08 pm
by southernmallard

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:18 pm
by ScottyLee

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:26 pm
by billyho
+1.... Well said, I've been going to rebel/ state games a long time and I don't recall one ever feeling so "special"...

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:40 pm
by deltadukman
With all the trash talk coming from Ole Miss fans, would you consider this a rivalry, or just another game? LSU fans want to know....
Since you have won this game out of the last 4, is this now considered a game you are supposed to win?

Rival in Baton Rouge

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:32 pm
by Po Monkey Lounger
As usual here, this thread has taken a weird turn. Who said anything about Mullen being ungodly, or that Freeze was godly?? What started all of that bullcaca?

I don't think God cares who wins or loses football games, despite what Touchdown Jesus University might think about that statement.

Now, can we please leave this parallel universe of the totally irrelevant, and get back to the matter at hand? The Egg Bowl.

I started another thread to hopefully entertain more serious football discussion than this admittedly backhanded smack thread. :wink:

Its always fun to poke back at someone who has been poking at you for a long time, and even better when all you have to do is point out their own previous words and actions. Most rational MSU fans saw this day coming, despite Mullen's boast that MSU would NEVER lose to the Rebels again, and dreaded the inevitable. Only a hapless sheep would have actually believed Mullen --- please tell me none of you really believed that caca. And when you poke a stick at and taunt an animal long enough, no matter how docile or tame the animal, eventually that animal will bite you back. That moment started when the clock ran out in VHS Saturday night. And after a period of time to vent a few pent up frustrations (built up over the past 3 years), it too will pass, and normalcy will begin anew.

There is a way to promote your own school for its own positive attributes, without having to put down other schools in the process. Sadly though, we are seeing evidence of a society that does not see the virtue in such a position, preferring instead to put down others in order to elevate themselves.

Not only have we recently seen the now embarassing public spectacle of MSU's PR campaign of putting down Ole Miss (directly and indirectly), but we have also had to tolerate such from schools such as USM and Delta State ----two teams that enjoy some degree of broad support from all Mississipians, including UM and MSU fans. And I would proudly note that during this dismal season for both USM and Delta State, no Ole Miss or MSU fan here on this board (nor any representative of the these schools, to my knowledge) recipricated by running them down or making fun of their programs, like some of the fans here of these two programs and their respective administrations did to UM and MSU in the past few years when UM and MSU were down and out. The Golden Eagles and Fighting Okra have been rather quiet lately and a bit more humble.

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:17 pm
by deltadukman
I agree that all the # shizz and the smack talk, especially from the coach was a little over the top and I knew the day would come that it would bite us in the booty, but come on, us State fans have sat by humbly for years and listened to Ole Miss run there mouths with much to do about nothing. Heisman trophy stickers everytime someone new comes to Oxford, thinking you are on the same level as LSU and claiming they are your real rivals? Mullen did one thing, got people fired up. Maybe more fired up than we were ready, but lit a fire under an otherwise stale fanbase. One of my highschool coaches said one time, "Things are never as good as they seem, nor as they are as bad as they seem, reality lies somewhere in the middle". Both fan bases could stick that little bit of knowledge in the back of their minds. Neither school will ever win a NC, and other than making it to a good bowl game, like it or not, the Egg Bowl is about as competitive as it gets.

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:10 pm
by Po Monkey Lounger

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:44 pm
by davidees
Hash tags are for marketing. That's the real reason for them and the billboards. Of course some people don't realize that.

Re: Delusional Rebels 41 Reality Dogs 24

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:01 pm
by olemissduckhunter