What is it going to take to get a real "change" in America?

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What is it going to take to get a real "change" in America?

Postby Barq's » Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:14 am

I would just truly like to know what it is going to take for every tax paying, hard working, American citizen to say that we have had enough and we aren't going to take this bs anymore?

I said it once and I will say it again.....If the American people want to let Washington know who truly "runs" this country, then all American workers need to go on strike for at least one week....I'm talking about truly shutting down the country....No cars on the road....no factories pumping out anything....no goods being bought....no taxes coming in from anywhere....I think it would make very, very clear who "runs" this country....I personally wish that Washington would shut down and never reopen....I would like to see each State take care of it's own....I'm sure Texas would be very happy to take that on.....I guarantee that border would be shut down and shut down quick.....

Another way to let them know that we are tired of the crap in Washington is to vote everyone that is in any elected position GO come the very next opportunity to do so....I'm talking all the way down to the county constable....Any and all elected positions GONE.

I think the message would be clear across the board...."A shot across the bow" to let any and all sob's from here on out know that if you don't do the people right, your butt will be out!

You might not like who is running, you might be friends with who is currently in office, but let me tell you one thing, I've got friends in office and if I said that I didn't think that they have taken money or tokens of appreciation from outside influences, it would be an outright lie.....they are all dirty in one regard or another.....They all need to go.

The only true way to know that we have cleaned the trash out of our government is going to have to come at the expense of losing some of the good ones to make sure that we got all the bad out.
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby SWAG » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:05 am

I have contemplated this question for some time, and alot more over the last few weeks. I could type for hours, but will try to shorten.

Problem is "we" are now out numbered. Democracy and majority rule is a great thing when the majority are "good" people. When the majority is no longer hard working/God fearing people and do not have a "real" understanding of where food, clothing, and shelter comes from (you either make it, grow it, or buy it) then you have the problem we are faced with today. We still have great potential because we have natural resources and the ability to build/do great things. We also have the ability to defend this great asset. What is the real threat is losing our ability to do all of these things.

Look even farther down the road.................................when does the world economy change to the point where gold or silver is no longer the standard??? What can you really do with gold? Country X wants some wheat to feed their people. "What you got for trade? We do not want your money. What good is money. We want something real in return...oil, merchandise, coffee, something that we can use." Real trade and supply and demand will become more and more common as the world population continues to grow and people's needs continue to grow. Socialist like our POTUS understands this very well. They know that time is coming and they want to make sure at that point they have control over the "people". That is a very scary thought for our children and grandchildren. On the other hand, there is comfort in knowing that the USA, if so lead by great leaders, could once again thrive with the resources and abilities we have. We are certainly on the top of a roof.....which side do we roll off of???
Are we gonna get wet?
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby SWAG » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:06 am

Term limits.............step # 1 :D
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby Barq's » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:19 am

As a taxpayer....I am fed completely up with the way my tax dollars are being spent and I am most certainly tired of the job that those in government are doing/not doing. The taxpayer is actually paying these people to take from us and "give" our money to the ones that don't work and frankly don't care. I'm also tired of these same elected officials being paid by us to try and take our rights away, namely the right of free speech and the right to bear arms.

I have had some heart to heart talks with other soldiers about what side they would be on when the day comes that we are asked to go door to door to confiscate the citizens weapons.....It's sad that we have to even question it, but it's becoming a reality that needs to be discussed. I have faith in our military leaders that they can see right from wrong, but you have to question the people that are being forced to retire and the one's that are "placed" in their old positions. It's just a sad time for our country.

Oh what the future holds if we don't force real "change" for the people, by the people.
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby yankee » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:31 am

Sadly, we are leaving our children a mess, and a mountain of debt. I agree with all that has been posted, and the numbers don't lie. There are more on the "take" in this country than on the "make" and I am carrying the burden of supporting my family, and probably five other families who are in line at Wal Mart right now with a cart full of steaks and a fistful of food stamps. Meanwhile, I'm educating the kids down the street with funds from my ridiculous property taxes while my kids are in private school. That is my choice, of course. But there is no voucher system, and no break for me. And my health care is tiered now, I make more money, so I pay more, while those lower on the totem pole pay less, thanks to my enormous premium.
The first step is to vote everyone out-clean house. The second is to demand term limits, and the third is to probably find some centrist Republicans who are just left enough that they can get elected. Then and only then do we have a fighting chance of paying down the debt, and kicking all the socialist programs off the books. But it is going to be tough--because once you start giving things to the "takers" they don't want them taken away. It's a sad state of affairs for sure. I have told my children that if they can find a better life in Canada or Costa Rica or Switzerland, then go. I'll be happy to visit them wherever they land. I don't want them to feel they have to stay here and participate in this debacle any longer.
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby Barq's » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:52 am

well....that's the smartest thing I have ever heard coming out of a "yankee's" mouth....jj.....

In all seriousness....If I was 20 again....without children....I would have already left the country and that in itself should say all there is to say. Canada is looking better and better and why not migrate? The mexicans have shown me that you can go to another country and thrive, I just don't want to leave my home.

I honestly believe that we aren't very far from having to bear arms for the reason of protecting our rights and also from stopping the powers to be that are breaking our constitution bit by bit.
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby SNOT » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:12 pm

The state of this country is why I have no desire to have kids.....I don't want to leave them with this crap----and if it is actually going to get better it will first have to get a lot worse unfortunately - I have 4 nieces and 1 nephew, all under the age of 12----I feel bad for them because when they are my age (33) I'm afraid they'll be living in a dumpster fire of a country.
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby dukluk » Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:08 pm

Two words will solve everthing---"Tax Revolt"....democraps can't give away, what they don't have.
As long as they have their greedy paws on our tax funds, they're going to give it to the undeserving takers, to get their votes.
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby Barq's » Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:32 pm

the problem is a unified front....a man revolt won't change a thing
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby davidees » Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:33 pm

Unfortunately, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Then, and only then will we see real change in America.
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby cwink » Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:25 pm

"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them"
-George Washington
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby digger » Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:37 pm

Therein lies the problem,you can't get the working,tax paying folk's to orginize and band together like the other bunch will.I'v said it before and someone said it on this thread come April 15th tell'm to hell with you I aint paying taxes come get me.IF enuff hard working folk's would band together they could'nt lock up everybody because that would truly be a goverment shut down with no money coming in.If Mexico would let me own some land I could sell what I have I could live down there like a king and come April would send the IRS a screw you post card.
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby Barq's » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:18 pm

I wish certain states would succeed and become self sufficient....let the person make the choice to live with or without "entitlements"....I have no problem working for my share
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby JDgator » Sat Oct 19, 2013 5:25 pm

The middle class is shrinking because we've allowed corporate America to marginalize the American dream. I truly believe that many of the people on the government dole would get off if they could land a decent paying gig. Our problem is the lack of economic opportunity, the lost path to the middle class. It has been outsourced, marginalized, and diminished by the organized and concentrated efforts of big business. That Federal immigration reform bill - it opens the doors to quadruple the number of temporary guest workers in high tech, high skilled jobs. Big businesses can in-source foreign labor and lay off Americans, they pay less than 1% in taxes, they are cutting benefits like health insurance. They know they can buy enough republican or democratic representation to shrug off any serious reform. That is why the middle class is shrinking. We have to recognize that they are multinational organizations that do not have the best interests of the American worker at heart.
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Re: What is it going to take to get a real "change" in Ameri

Postby Barq's » Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:32 pm

you hit that on the head jd.....Signal in pascagoula was bringing them in from south america, housing, and feeding them and got busted for charging them on the back end of their checks. Basically running slave quarters right here in South Mississippi....legally to a certain point then they got too greedy and someone brought it to light.

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