Early Teal Season?

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Early Teal Season?

Postby DeltaDawg3 » Sat Jul 28, 2001 9:04 pm

Can anyone give me some info on the early Teal Season. Such as how has it been in the past couple of years and is it worth going?
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Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2001 12:01 am
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Early Teal Season?

Postby Janous » Sat Jul 28, 2001 9:08 pm

been good, but you really have to watch the migration closely. If you hit'em just right, you can really rack up. Teal are here for a few days, then pull out. Then you have to wait for the next wave..... watchem close, and you should be in for a great hunt worth your time and effort.

Early Teal Season?

Postby SCOOTER » Sun Jul 29, 2001 6:10 am

if it fly's and you can eat it,it's worth going, the first couple of week's on the waterway is pretty good.always a new flight coming down. with the early goose season opening it dont get any better. just hope old neck band comes down one more year. hey judge, you going to be at bull mountain opening day?

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