Where were you 8 years ago?

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Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby matador1 » Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:59 am

I think somebody brings this up every year. But it's always good to see people's stories. And a good way to refresh the memories so we don't forget.

I was in Greenwood working at Irvin Automotive. Came out of a engineering meeting, heard Billy from John Boy and Billy on the radio saying that "folks this is not a skit, we are not kidding. A plane has flown into the towers in NY and we are trying to get more info. I called everybody around my cubicle while we waited for more info. Then we all ran back to an office with a TV and turned it on just in time to see the second plane hit. We stayed plastered to that tv the rest of the day.
I remember that night lokking a my wife, 6 months pregnant, wondering "what kind of world are we bringing our daughter into?"
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby ntzhunter » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:03 am

This day eight years ago, I was getting ready to go to class at Mississippi State, and turned on the tv while getting ready and saw what was unfolding. I had starting watching right after the first plane had struck the WTC. I remember it was one of the most beautiful days ever! Cant believe its been 8 years already!
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby eSJay » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:04 am

I'll never forget that day! I was getting ready for work when a friend of my wife called & told her to turn the TV on. I was bad late for work because I couldn't stop watching.
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby Trip » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:05 am

In Fulton, MS @ ICC. Heard about it in one of my History classes. When the teacher broke the news he said to go home and remember this day or something like that. I was in line behind him that afternoon buying beer at the truckstop off of 78.
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby jkb87 » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:09 am

i was sittin in my ap english class taking a test my senior year of high school in meridian...... we stopped the test and turned to tube on..... watched the second one fly in live..... like i said on a previous thread..... there is not a time that i see todays date or hear it when iget goose bumps goin down my body.
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby cheeko » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:12 am

Eight years ago I was in Dekalb,MS working on the Power Plant.
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby Jelly » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:13 am

sittin in my office in Tulsa, OK.... Never forget it...
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby tombstone » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:16 am

on the way to work when I heard about the first one and ran in to the office and saw the 2nd hit on tv. I would not leave the tv at work. I did not even care if I got fired. I was sure it was WWIII starting. funny thing is, I knew it was intentional when the I heard the first one hit. I don't know why.
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby tdog » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:19 am

Leaving cafeteria duty at Philadelphia High School headed to football practice, good boy named Tyler Rounsaville said "coach, the israelies are bombing us, we going to war" What????? He was alittle confused.
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby cwink » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:27 am

I remeber it was a Tuesday morning. And I had just settled into my desk when I heard someone say that a plane had hit the World Trade Center.. My first thought was, it was a small comuter plane and then I tried to get online to get the news report, but the net was jammed and so we walked over to the break room and turned on the TV and watched the 2nd plane hit.. All of us knew that the country would never be the same......
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby JMallard » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:32 am

Watching Fox, studying for a mammology exam at MSU....then becoming abosolutely scared to death when we found out about the Pentagon. My sister's office was on the ring next to the ring where the plane stopped. She ran out of the office as the fire started. Lost everything she had in the office and had to walk out barefooted. Walked about 3 miles to a friend's apartment. Very long day for our family, especially my parents. We did not hear from her until late that morning due to the phone issues. Today is a wierd day for her. She lost friends and her life was changed forever.
One of her stories is how absolutely calm everyone was as they evacuated the Pentagon. She says there where Marines that took charge and organized everyone and moved them out orderly. That is pretty wild to think about when there are over 30K people that worked there.
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby farmerc83 » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:43 am

Sittin in chemistry class at State when I heard about the first one. Fraternity brother told me about it but then the dorky prof walked in class, started writing on the board, then turned around and said laughing,"aren't you glad you aren't in NY this morning?" Class was short so we went back to the freshman dorm and saw the second one live.

Not long after someone in the hallway yelled that gas stations and banks were about to shut down, I guess cause the stock market did. Sure enough folks grabbed their keys and headed out. It was almost like those planes hit every single town we were in and from that day.
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby HeKing » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:46 am

sittin in Sophmore Biology class. turned the tv on right before the second plane hit. We watched tv through 2 periods that day. We all just kind of sat there and tried to figure out what the hell was going on.
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby Blackduck » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:49 am

I was visiting my wife in the SICU( nurse not patient ). She told me about the first plane. I watched tv for the next 12 hrs in the surgery lounge. It was remarkable for two reasons. Beautiful day and I never watched that much tv in a month much less a day.
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Re: Where were you 8 years ago?

Postby Coach » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:53 am

I was teaching a class of World History to a bunch of 10th graders.. We heard the news over the intercom and they turned every classrooms tvs on. All classes sat in silence adn watched it all day..I told them this is their generations Pearl Harbor and to never forget it....

Today we are watching World Trade Center and class disscusion on it...

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