Guess I’ll try my hand getting into snow goose hunting! I have never really tried it, but started buying shells and some rags what kind of numbers should I shot for on decoys or any other input would be great?
“Learn to call specks or Canadas and you need like six decoys of each with a GOOD call, and they are EASY to decoy. Snows get about 1,000 rags and unless you have a hot field you may not fire a shot call or no call.” -Jeff-
“Depends on how Mobile you want to be and how well you are able to get concealed. Locals birds are tough. We put-out 5 dz Higdon shells in a pea field that held 200-300 birds and didn’t get’em to really ‘finish’ until we dug ourselves in and just used burlap with pea stubble attached with zip ties. If you have a dog – better figure on digging deep enough for it to be completely flush and train it to stay ‘down’ when birds are approaching. Sometimes it’s not a matter of how much or how many – as it is, what you do with what you have. Concealment is the main priority.” -Anattidae-